Friday, July 08, 2011

Brændeovne and prison haircuts

We loaded the kids into the car and headed to Næstved on Wednesday evening to pick out a fireplace for the living room. I was pleasantly surprised how quickly we agreed on one given that there were apparently around 300 on offer and most of them looked pretty similar. In the end we chose a SCAN-53 like the one above except that the door section is black, not grey (the top and bottom are stainless steel). It was more or less half price and I think we got a pretty good deal from them given that this is their low season and I think they are glad of the sale and some work. It's being fitted next Wednesday which means that I need to move the TV and fix the wall up before then which will, no doubt, be more work than I think.

We are considering using wallpaper on the end wall of the living room to cover up the (filled) holes that the TV bracket will leave as we don't have any of the paint left and it was our own blend so we can't recreate it.

I finally plucked up the courage to give myself the prison haircut last night. As I won't see many (if any) colleagues and clients next week and then have the following 2 weeks off, I decided that there was enough time for re-growth if or when I hated it. It seems that I have even less hair than I thought I had and I don't appear to look much like me anymore...


  1. Anonymous6:56 pm

    Love the fireplace!
    Both you and J look like people I wouldn't wanta
    mess with. DK still looks sweet though.
    Can't you adjust the length on those clippers?
    Painting wall again is an option. Wallpaper might peel near a heat source.

  2. Anonymous6:58 pm

    Sanderson have brought out a range of wallpaper from the fifties which matches your style of furnishings.

  3. Anonymous10:59 pm

    Hens have lost all sense of direction!

  4. Anonymous11:59 pm

    Mine is much shorter than J's
    Apparently there isn't much heat out the back of the fire so it should be ok.

  5. Anonymous3:31 pm

    Bloody H...
    What have you done?
    I will buy you new clippers that start at 4, or pay for all of your haircuts to prevent this catastrophic event happening again.
    Mum used to swear by "bay rum", rubbed into the scalp, for hair growth.
    The fireplace looks great, not at all scary.

  6. Anonymous8:00 pm

    All you need is the number under your pic.
    Scary haircut or what?

  7. Anonymous8:01 pm

    All you need is the number under your pic.
    Scary haircut or what?

  8. Anonymous8:04 pm

    presumably your new fire has a flue of some sort If boxed part of the wall or a tube though the ceiling? sourely affect your Decoration plans?

  9. Anonymous9:05 am

    z5q72p8n98 r0r40i8a27 h5x80w5h24 d9m84h3p12 p6u28d2a47 o3b51v4y31
