Monday, July 11, 2011

Part one

With the fireplace being fitted on Wednesday where the television has been bolted to the wall for the last 5 years there is little choice other than to move the TV. That isn't such a challenge in itself, but the bracket is bolted to the wall with 6 big screws and the paint colour on the wall is our own mix so we can'r recreate that.

The solution has been to move the TV to the corner and paint the wall and lighter colour which tones with the old colour and lightens the room a little as well.

So far so good. The new position for the TV is a big improvement and we seem to have found good homes for the other furniture that we have had to relocate. The flue for the fireplace will go straight up through the ceiling and join the chimney up in the loft and it just stands on a glass plate on the floor so there should be no other problems with the decorating for now.


  1. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Gorgeous kids!
    wrm et al

  2. Anonymous11:07 pm

    Looks good.
    Hair has grown already.
    Has yours?
