Friday, February 23, 2007

Catch up post

It has been a very busy week so here is a catch up of events so far.
PhD proposal work is full steam ahead after the meeting with the guys at the business school on Wednesday. What should one wear to meet academics?

Corduroy obviously!

It has snowed here a lot this week (also on Wednesday actually), we have about 30cm lying on the ground at the moment and the country seems to be struggling to cope (still not as bad as the UK though on that front)

And finally for today J had a bath last night. It is amazing that he still fits in the baby bath, but it saves us hot water and he is happy in it as you can see.


  1. Anonymous10:24 pm

    The self respecting academic also has leather elbow and knee patches, larger eyebrows than you seem to be sporting (those eyebrow pills- is it 4 or 40?) and repulsive coffee breath- you must try harder to fit in!!

    Did you get the Katie pictures?


  2. Anonymous10:54 pm

    Beat me to it!
    A tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, but I'm sure that the corduroy suit would suffice. Of course, Denmark may be different from UK & we may be entirely wrong, & you should ignore me.
    No change there then.
    J looks delightful - no obvious rashes or afflictions this week.
    G tried bikes today - test rides on a "marin,sausilito" & another one which wasn't.(I don't think that it's spelt like sausage - does't look right)
    Bicester tomorrow to celebrate Elaine's b'day - cake cooling in the kitchen.
    G booked into Phuket, diving, at the end of April.
    Alright for the men in cord suits!
    Love, m

  3. Anonymous9:06 pm

    Кто честным кормится трудом, - Таких зову я знатью! Труд - дело чести; будь в труде на первом месте. Работай, когда тебе грустно, - это единственное средство разогнать грусть. Многие люди любят тяжкий труд. Особенно - если за него хорошо заплатили. Работа избавляет нас от трех великих зол: скуки, порока, нужды. Работать нужно с умом, а не до ночи. Трудись как муравей, если хочешь быть уподоблен пчеле. Труд (работа) устраняет скуку, порок и нищету.

    [URL=]Работа сегодня вакансии[/URL] [URL=]Предложение вакансий[/URL] [URL=]Вакансии вахтовым методом в москве[/URL] [URL=]Работа для иногородних в москве[/URL] [URL=]Работа супервайзер[/URL] [URL=]Работа в маскве[/URL] [URL=]Работа сварщиком в москве[/URL] [URL=]Работа в королеве мытищах[/URL] [URL=]работа для девушек в москве[/URL] [URL=]Работа север вахта[/URL]
