Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A new blog in town

It seems that I have inspired another aspiring blogger to enter web 2.0, that is the user created content world that is expected to be future of the internet. Have a look here.
I am happy to be back home and working from home for the remainder of the week. The hedge is doing well as are the family.
At some point in the near future I hope to come up with something interesting, funny or thought provoking, but in the meantime here are some more pictures:


The garden is now about 180 square meters bigger than before.*
*Apparently it is important to someone to point out that the garden is not actually bigger, but the usable area has increased, that being the area not covered in hedge.


  1. Anonymous11:21 pm

    no it isn't bigger, it just looks bigger!

  2. Anonymous9:44 pm

    no, it really is bigger. I have walked around it & it took more steps.
