Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bye for now...

It was a sad morning this morning, we had to take my mum to the airport and say good bye for a few months. We haven't made any plans yet, but we hope to see her again in the autumn. She has had a wonderful affect on young J who has suddenly taken to sleeping through the night. It was lovely to have her staying and we have enjoyed the last week, I hope that we can do it again soon. ( I am not only writing this because I know she will read it). We enjoy having visitors, especially when they help with the washing up.
Yesterday was fun, we visited an old house somewhere and had a picnic. I am afraid that is all the information I have about the house other than that we had to wear blue plastic things over our shoes. There is something that happens to me in old houses, I suddenly become a bored 10 year old and cannot get out fast enough.
Pictures will be posted tomorrow as they are still on the camera.
More exciting posts to follow tomorrow...


  1. Anonymous9:42 am

    I'm home!
    J is even more delightful than he appears in blog-form.
    He realised that the only way to escape Granny rattling on non-stop from the moment he appeared was to feign sleep! W & K are doing a brilliant job, helped of course by a pretty sound gene bank!
    The oldest nanor house in Denmark at Lejre & very interesting.A charming guide, danish with an irish brogue.What a lot of paintings! I apologise for the corn niblet left on level two of the manicured gardens. It fell from my rather ample roll.
    Hi Jen!
    My sister now reads this.
    Sorry William,now the family news-sheet.
    Mum aka Gill aka GN

  2. Anonymous9:50 am

    By the way, it was a really small plane, not like this one.I sat in the back row & it wobbled rather a lot. Still, the baggage arrives quickly. m
