Monday, August 07, 2006

... and he's off!

We have had a very busy (and sleep deprived as ever) weekend. J has taken to standing himself up with just about anything he can get hold of intent on clearing any baby height surface of papers and electrical equipment. This is itself has not been such a problem so long as he was out of reach of the tables, sofa etc. However, on Saturday morning he learned how to crawl and is now whizzing around the house making a lot of noise. We are lucky so far as he cannot get over the door steps, but as they are only 1cm high, I don't think that will last for long.* I'll get some crawling pictures up as soon as I can.
Along with feeding the lawns, oiling the bench and doing other DIY type things, we have been bed shopping this weekend so we will be getting new beds delivered when we get back from Boulder. Hurray for that, now all we need is a baby that sleeps better!

*Update: He managed to get over the step this morning

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