Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Getting back to it

I've been away from normal work and blogging for a while but I guess I should be getting back to some more regular service for both.

MK and the boys are at the beach with T&B along with the vGs (I hope you can figure out who these people are) so I have been back and forth a bit and at home alone a bit but slowly getting ready for normality coming in the next week or so as everyone comes back from their vacations.

One of the results of our holiday in England was that we got to see a lot of sailing boats racing in Fowey harbour. (I'll post holiday snaps when I get my hands on the camera, but it is with the rest of the family). I had forgotten how much fun sailing seems and have convinced myself that I miss it having not sailed properly in many years. Coinciding with this has been the Olympic sailing leading me to the inevitable conclusion that I should take it up again and teach the kids to sail at some point as well.

I am taking a look around for a really cheap old Finn (that is a type of boat) that I can keep out at the summer house for the time being and learn to sale again and see how it goes. The market for used boats here is much much smaller than in the UK. It seems that everyone has a big boat here and nobody bothers with dinghies. There is one for sale up the road from T&B that I will take a look at but it seems to be the only one for sale in the country other than top end racing boats.

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