Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

We had the usual New Years Eve - staying in on our own with a bottle of wine and going to bed before midnight only to be kept awake by the blitz style non-stop fire works that are mandatory in Denmark.

For some reason we never seem to manage much on NYE, we have been to one party since moving here and had a rather bizare evening with D&M overlooking the town square war zone in Copenhagen as people tried to kill each other with fireworks. Perhaps we'll have our own party next year...

I hope that everyone has a great 2010 but more than anything else, I hope that DK has a good January and he is able to get on with being a normal little boy without being interfered with so much.


  1. Anonymous10:11 pm

    Happy New Year to you all!
    Love Px

  2. Anonymous7:45 pm

    And so say all of us.
    DK was very agreeable on the phone - he only said "yes".
    Happy new year.
    Love from m

  3. Anonymous9:36 pm

    Happy New Year! We braved a pub in Sunderland and had far too much to drink, followed by chips from a chinese takeaway (surely a measure of how much we had had to drink!!) and a snowy walk home. Classy. We didn't know we still had it in us!
