Thursday, February 18, 2010

More damned snow

J is much better, but MK is still struggling with her ear and cold. If her ear isn't better tomorrow then I'm sending her back to the doctors to get something stronger...

We've had another 5cm or so of snow this afternoon which made the roads very slippery and makes my plans of taking a week of bike training next week look less and less likely to happen or at least be much fun. I had planned to take the week off, but I now have some meetings that I can't really miss and I seem to have rather a lot on my plate at the moment.

I have climbed back on the culinary wagon for the last couple of days. I've been hitting the grated carrots hard and leaving the chocolate and cakes well alone. With a bit of luck I'll be able to hit the 90kg mark at some point this year, but I can't really imagine it yet. Last night I did an advanced pilates workout which would have been histerical for anyone watching, but was rather a challenge for me. There's work to do on my core befoer I can manage that properly.


  1. Anonymous12:01 am

    Is that a photo of PR, relaxing after a hard day at HSBC?
    I didn't see W's core, but the outer bit looked fine - he didn't even have a cough or earache.

  2. Anonymous12:50 am

    Hard-core perhaps?
