Tuesday, December 01, 2009


This morning was exciting for the kids because they got to open the first doors on their advent calendars. Both DK and J have a chocolate one that Mum brought over from England and J also has a Lego one with lots of little lego men and things in it.
The weather has taken a noticeably wintry turn today, it is only 3C outside at the moment and it feels rally cold. It's about time that the autumn petered out and we got some proper winter, it has to happen sooner or later so let's just get on with it.

The other exciting event of the day was the drain cleaning man coming in his big truck. DK struggled to contain his excitement at the sight of the big orange truck and MK commented that we were all unusually excited at the prospect of a man in hi-vis overalls cleaning out the drains. Hopefully we won't have any more flooding problems when the next bought of very heavy rain hits and our basement will be dry from now on.

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