After a bit of research it seems that the one to have is a Cougar Chariot, they are light, flexible (it can be pushed or pulled with lots of different attachments and can even run on skis! The best thing is that it has suspension and costs a lot of money
We are trying to get a used one from Boulder/Denver area, but if that fails I think we may have to buy a new one! Red, gold or Avocado???
Can't you adapt a wheelbarrow - you could use it in the garden afterwards.
ReplyDeleteDon't have avacado - it only looks good on avacadoes & cucumbers.
Are these things strong enough to cope with collision?
We have a 'trailgater' for Mr T, and Katie has a seat on the back of Elaines bike.
we have bike seats on the back of both of our bikes, but we will need to be able to transport both children with 1 bike at some point and the trailer seems to be the best option. There are lots of them around Ringsted used as second cars!